IP: dwominecraft.com

The 13 Doctors of Christmas

01 December 2021

Join DWO News for a special report on the major redevelopment occurring in London:

The Excel

That's right - a brand new London Convention Centre, the Excel! The A.C.E. charity has very kindly donated the funds for the redevelopment as part of their plans to launch London's first ever science fiction convention, just in time for Christmas - and you're all invited!

Err, only one problem. It appears none of their scheduled guests are answering the phone at the moment. They had thirteen very special appearances lined up, and now it looks like this entire event is going to flop. Don't suppose you lot are free to help out?

As if you do anything at Christmas other than clean up our mess - I knew we could count on you! The charity have set up a temporary convention committee office in our National Gallery, head over there to get the low down on who these secret guests might be, and to find out who's nearby that you might manage to track down. Once they get to London, you'll need to go find them and tell them to get over to the Excel! Hopefully they won't be that busy, but I'm sure you can help out if they are.

Advent Room with Blank Posters

They've very nearly got hold of their first guest, but looks like she's not scheduled to be in London till this time tomorrow...
